Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Almost Valentine's !

I know it's been a while, but I wanted to share this story:


How WE met:

Romeo & I had seen each other a few times a year because of church gatherings, but we were never officially introduced.  Before I go further though, I have to give you some background information.  Romeo was “that guy” that all the girls acted all cheeky around.  He was the guy (when getting ready for our big church fellowships) that every girl dressed to impress. There were a couple of times in particular where he was on stage worshipping with his youth (at church mind you) & girls were screaming his name from the top of their lungs.  All I could hear was, “GO ROMEO WICHYO FINE SELF!” LoL!  He was just every girls dream guy: handsome, well-dressed, & crazy in love with the Lord.  And there I was rolling my eyes, shaking my head, and COMPLETELY annoyed at how these girls were idolizing this guy OVER Jesus!  I was so explicitly in love with the Lord I felt no other man’s name should be shouted in a crowd at church unless it was Jesus’ name.  Oh but Romeo was LOVING it!  He loved the attention & knew he was good-looking. 

Fast forward to the day we officially met (Cornerstone Church – Fresno CA; November 9, 2002), a mutual friend and I were hanging out after a youth service and he just so happened to walk by.  She stops him, flirts with him for a little, and I saw he was…”that guy” haha!  She then stops her flirting to introduce us, but because I realized he was “that guy” I was not interested in talking to him.  I shook his hand, he asked me a question, but I immediately walked away to avoid any ego enlarging for him.  I know *insert smirk emoji here*.  We didn’t see each other for another month or so after that at a Christian single’s event at Boomer’s.  After our activity day at Boomer’s, our groups went to lunch together.  At that lunch Romeo popped up at my table & was so annoyingly rude to me the entire time!  Everything I said or did, he had a joke for and at that stage in my life, I was all too serious to take any jokes.  His Sister asked for my email to keep in touch and Romeo said, “I have a pen, I’ll write it down.”  I wrote my email down (this was before myspace & FB existed) and what do you know? He clowns on my email name!  This guys was FULL of jokes.  A few days later, I got an email from him J.  His Sister never ended up emailing me because he kept the paper with my email on it.  We started writing letters to each other as well because back then internet was on dial-up mode & if you were on the internet, the phone couldn’t be used at the same time.  Not sure if I mentioned this, but Romeo lived in Fresno & I lived in Lynwood, our cities were a 4 ½ hour drive away from each other, so we communicated often through letters & emails. 

In one email he said, “Your cousin Jaron wants your number to keep in touch.  He said if you could give it to me so he can call you.”  With no hesitation I gave him my number.  Well, that was 11 years ago and my cousin STILL has not called me LMBO!  Romeo ended up calling me a few days after I emailed him my number…smh.  This guy! After that one phone call, I was hooked.

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