Friday, June 21, 2013

What Have I Been Up To?!

Good grief!  I haven't blogged in over a month....NOT good.  Here are a few reasons I haven't blogged lately:

--Since the last time I blogged, I started working 6 days a week.  Mondays & Wednesdays I normally work from home.  Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, & Saturdays I'm at the office.  I have been busy like a bee buzzing away & tryng to clock in as many hours before I go on maternity leave.  Needless to say, by the time I get home, I am pooped!

--Same ol' same here. Church on Sundays, bible study on Wednesdays, worship team practice on Thursdays, & prayer meeting on Fridays. I have always spent most of my life in church, and since being married, that has not changed.  There are days where it seems monotonous, however, when you refresh your walk with God DAILY, it refreshes your spirit & your attitude towards things routinely done. 

--Today I am just a day shy of being 8 months pregnant.  My current state of being, if I'm to be honest...I'd say I've become quite the grouch.  As of lately sleep has not come easy.  I'm alot rounder these days which makes it harder to find that comfort spot in bed.  Not to mention, my human body pillow (Husby) works nights so it really makes things challenging.  In addition, I wake up to pee every two hours whether I'm in deep sleep or not.  I thought I pee'd alot before pregnancy, but I'm well aware that pregnant women urniate more than a class of 25 kindergartners.  It is true.  Summing that all up, yo girl is SLEEP DEPRIVED!  Sleep deprivation will definitely make you the grouchiest person ever.  Whenever I do get the chance to nap though, I naaaaaap.  Napping is a rarity these days though =/  Which leads me to my next point...

Hulu Acccount
--I'm a new user of Hulu Plus since my 3rd trimester either has me oversleeping or undersleeping (not a word LoL).  On the nights where I absolutely cannot sleep, I don't fight it.  I just click on something to watch until I doze off.  I started off with watching Game of Thrones, then Scandal, then Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, & I recently just finished watching Love & Hip Hop.  Totally random selections of viewing choice, but I mean, what else is a pregnant lady to do at 1am when the rest of the world is sleeping?

I say all this to say that the blog world has been knocked down a few levels on the totem poll.  My bad yall.  Hopefully it won't be too long before my next one.  Stay classy!

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